• Press reader

Public presentation at IFAT 2022: A solution for PET mixed plastics

How high-tech recycling technologies from RITTEC are closing the loop of plastics

Public presentation IFAT 2022: "Rethinking the Circular Economy for Plastics" topic at Forum Waste / Secondary Materials chaired by VDI ZRE, Ulrike Lange.

Practical insights and a presentation of the innovative recycling technology revolPET, these are the topics of the short presentation by Carsten Eichert, RITTEC Umwelttechnik, at the IFAT 2022 Forum Waste / Secondary Raw Materials. The session on Thursday morning, June 2, under the direction of the VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH (VDI ZRE), will comprise of three individual short contributions. The challenges regarding the quality requirements for plastic recyclates used in packaging materials will be addressed. In addition to Dr Ulrike Lange, VDI ZRE, Andreas Köhler from the Ökoinstitut e.V. will present his view from a scientific perspective. 

RITTEC will offer an insight into the revolPET process, outline the resulting new opportunities for players in the PET value chain. And provides answers to the questions: How can costs be turned into profits or where are opportunities to save CO2 in the PET value chain? Up to now, PET-containing multi-layer packaging products such as multi-layer films and thermoformed trays can only be thermally recycled. The revolPET process offers the opportunity to transfer these products into a circular material value chain. In this process, the PET is fragmented selectively into its basic components . These can be used to produce a new PET.  

We look forward to welcome you to this presentation as well as at the RITTEC exhibition stand, Hall B5.308, for a more personal exchange. 

Presentation date: Thursday, June 2, 2022, 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. 

Location: Hall A5 | 317/416 | Forum Waste / Secondary Materials 

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