• Press reader

Recycling of polyester textiles efficiently solved for the first time

RITTEC and the "DiTex" research project invite you to a press conference at Messe K-2022 to introduce the realization of a fully closed loop for mixed polyester textiles. This is a solution for one of the biggest challenges of the circular economy for plastics.

RITTEC answers the question of how the large amounts of waste from polyester textiles can be recycled. The revolPET® technology, developed together with the TU Braunschweig, realizes this efficient recycling of mixed textiles containing polyester. The high-quality products go in the production of new PET and are therefore available to the textile industry as new goods.

In addition to the technology, RITTEC will also present for the first time the new products that were produced from the recycled textiles. The recycling of workwear designed for circularity was carried out in cooperation with the "DiTex" research project funded by the BMBF. It pursues a full circular economy for commercial textiles and thus increase resource efficiency and productivity in the textile sector. RITTEC's recycling solution plays a central role here.

Furthermore, circular.fashion, partner in the "DiTex" project, explains the procedure and the importance of the complete recycling through the revolPET® technology. The enterprise accompanied the product design for circularity, coordinated the recycling and will represent the research project at the press conference.

RITTEC will be happy to provide you with day tickets for attending the press conference.

Please register via the e-mail address messe@rittec.eu


RITTEC is an innovative technology start-up in the field of plastics recycling. With our patented revolPET® technology, we offer an ecologically beneficial process to fully recycle PET and polyester. This is how we make the transition from a linear economy towards a circular economy. Our work has been recognized at state and federal level with the Lower Saxony Innovation Prize 2018 and the Next Economy Award 2021.



About DiTEX

The joint research project “DiTex – digital technologies as enablers of resource-efficient recyclable B2B textile industry” tests and evaluates quality, resource and sustainable effects of textiles that are recycled. In the research project, textile companies and research partners worked together on the textile recycling of workwear and bedding. The team develops new product lines and tests the textile rental/leasing and recycling business models. The aim is to increase resource efficiency and productivity in the textile sector. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Project duration: 08/2019 - 12/2022;

Funding reference: 033R228


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